Friday, June 3, 2011

My Book of the Month: Yellow-Yellow by Kaine Agary

Yellow-Yellow is a Niger Delta Story through the eyes of Zilayefa aka Laye who is popularly called Yellow Yellow because of her fair complexion. She is so heavily guarded by her mother who is her only parent since her father had never been a part of her life. He disappeared immediately after he had impregnated Laye’s mother many years ago when they had had a fling in Port Harcourt.

Laye’s yearning to break out from her village and the choking control of her mother leads her to seek out a saviour. Someone who would rescue her out of the village into one of the big cities and for a moment hope seemed in sight when Sergio, the white man and friend of Tarilabo, son of the late Chief Semoke of her village took interest in her at the funeral of Chief Semoke. The relationship only lasted a few days, but that encounter with the white man in his late forties saw Laye showing deep understanding of her feline power despite her young age, in the way she flirted with Sergio.

After much struggle she finally convinces her mother to let her go and with the help of Pastor Ikechukwu she goes to Port Harcourt. In Port Harcourt, Laye, experiences comfort, love and support from Sisi, Lolo, Damiete and many others but her desire for masculine companionship makes her fall for an older man: 60 year old Admiral.

The story takes different twist and turns and seventeen year old Laye, fights with the turmoil within her because of her desire for fatherly affection, the turmoil in her country with all the poverty, fuel scarcity and pain even though she is in the midst of comfort in the home of Sisi and the company of Lolo.

This 179 page narrative is a must read because of the ease with which the author, reveals Nigeria with all its problems and yet with a hope that lie within.

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