It’s been 7 years now since the infatuation with the string strung my heart. I would listen to that soft rock music and yes I still do when I need to clear my head and just escape into my own world. Time and time again I would strike the strings of my imaginary black and blue acoustic guitar (yes, I actually know its colour but haven’t been to come up with a name for her “my guitar” that actually sticks…*crazy*). You know looking back its like crazy to think I always wanted to learn how to play this stringed instrument…I even talked about it to some musician friends of mine and made up my mind to saving to getting my own stringed baby; who for the course of this “yans” I would call “Kiki”.
Imagine me sitting on the balcony with the sun rising with Kiki in my hands serenading that ebony admiration of mine maybe by now my status on facebook would be in a relationship and in a few months or lets say a year or two it could be more… (Grinning)…I would even beat Jerry*MTN advert back in the day* hands down in serenading (that guy was good Shaaa, with the whole Hello Baby…look outside your balcony…oh my Goshlzzz). Okay but seriously though I have heard a lot of stories of people who have had one dream or the other but then they graduate from school then start chasing that white collar job. Soon they get tied down to the 9 - 5 time bound then they have kids and the bills keep rolling in and 25 years down the line they look back and like the Pied Piper of R ‘n’ B melodiously iterated “I wish, I wish’ becomes their status.

There is more; a lot of the time when those cute kids around are observed you notice very exceptional talents and traits in them. Those wonderful comic sketches which could have become world class artifacts if properly honed; what about those creative stories that they develop when playing with they action figures (toys), now some Nollywood and even Hollywood players could take a tip or two from them. Again watching those cuties create their tea parties and well planned homes with their dolls gives insight into to an intrinsically gifted organizer and manager but the fact remains that these jewels are buried deep in the dirt of tradition and societal silence: never asking the reason why.
Men, feel like starting up something in here…woooooopie…Hmmm...Mmm. Okay I got my self back together again (chuckling). Funny thing is that a lot of the time we at fault of the crimes we so adamantly reprove. 7 years and still cant play, imagine… “Some people go say them swear for you” but the fact remains that the environment we were brought up in may have dictated our fate. Now, that may be true but I learned recently that only a mad man keeps doing the same thing over and over again and expects a different result each time.
I don’t really know were to start from right now as my hands caress this keyboard but I know deep within me something has gotta change…for sometime I only dreamed of climbing the mountains but now I dream of touching the clouds and even more the boisterous stars. You know, that fire fly in the Princess and the frog was right; he went for the brightest and most beautiful, he’s one and only Evangeline.

The Princess, the frog Prince and even the Jazz Matazz Crocodile thought he was crazy but he never stopped looking up and longing for the day he would be with her and in the end he flickered and flashed high in the sky, side by side with his Evangeline for all eternity for all to see. I have decided to go back to my Evangeline (actually to Kiki)… so I wonder, hasn’t your true love waited for too long…were art thou my Evangeline?
Very interesting piece young man. You sure have a bright future. Come to think of it..... Evangeline or Kiki have indeed waited for too long. xxxx
ReplyDeleteThanks dear...as in, i know they have waited way tooo long... dey don try,LMAO.