Wondering what has gotten into me, well I have a story but my story is not peculiar to me, in fact all of us at one time or the other have found our selves looking at life and asking our selves what in the world is happening…maybe it has to do with my up coming birthday (so now you know, no excuse again oooo… I will be accepting gifts in cash and kind…lol), I am thinking on how I am still behind on my very, very long list of things I want to achieve before I am 40…hmmm that leaves me how many more years 1,2,3….chineke time dey fly oooooo.

I have a friend who has gone through and still is going through quite a lot. I call him my friend but in reality I can count how many times I have called him this year on the tips of my finger. As for paying him a visit, buying him a present or even praying for him; I would be given a ‘F’errari as assessment. Seeing him today, talking and sharing with him hit the rewind button in my mind.
Remember those innocent years of your life when you had no cares in the world…your own was to wakeup, go to school, eat play and sleep; 24hours of the day, 7 days of the week. Hmmmmm, those were the golden day’s babie but the most beautiful thing about those times was more than the fun we had…it was about our hearts. Yes, as children we had the unique ability to forget our hurts, to love and trust wholeheartedly.
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Earlier on when I was forming Shakespeare ‘feeling the earth’s emotions sturvs’ I was caught up in my own whirl pool of emotions thinking in my tiny spot but the world is bigger than my 4 by 6 square feet room. My friend needed some basic things, things we classify as rights of a citizen was a privilege to him, and it would amaze you at some of the things that I whined at…I am actual embarrassed to tell you guys. Not that I am not faced with jaw dropping, back aching problems but to think that the whole world is centered about me is just… (Sigh)
I saw a friend today and I am glad I did because i got a view of the bigger picture: it’s not all about moi. Quoting another friend’s line in a movie
‘Life is not about the amount of breaths you take it’s the moments that take your breath away…’ Will Smith (yeah I know the real Fresh Prince himself…no be counterfeit).

Its all about the focus, I saw my life and thought it was crap and therefore cared about no one else but imagine if I had shared what I had no matter how small It was…and yes it is possible to care that way because I know people who have touched my life this way that made me feel like I could climb a mountain and swim across the Red sea (well, maybe not swim across the red sea that’s for when you fall in loooooooove *winks*).
Now I know the reason behind the doubles: two hands, one to support me the other to uphold another, two eyes; one to identify my needs and the other to identify the needs of others, two legs; one to stand with the other to run to others in need…indeed, the world just got bigger.
Keep it up frnd, u're living d dream.
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